Email marketing can be your primary source for a lead generation until and unless you don’t commit some common email marketing mistakes. It has been noticed that often businesses, marketers make these mistakes and what are they left with?

Those mails are viewed as SPAM after a while!

Email marketing provides great ROI if done in the right manner.

Let’s have a look which bad email marketing tactics can get you blacklisted:

Overrated Subject line 

“Breaking News! This Will Never Happen, Ever and I Mean Ever Again!”

Such type of subject lines don’t work out if you are providing just a normal item or information after readers click on your mail.

If the reader didn’t get anything inside your mail as expected then from the next time he won’t even click and may even mark spam. 

So, what’s the solution?

  1. Be genuine, authentic with your audience. 
  2. Don’t break their trust. 

Don’t be salesy at first hand!

Whenever someone subscribes to your newsletter, never sound salesy at the first go!


Because the first impression is the last impression.

What can be done instead?

Send a welcome email to your new subscriber. Tell them about your vision and what they can expect from you?  

The first email will be the most read email. So, it’s better if you send a mail which is light, happy, and engaging.

Or else you can Congratulate them on your subscription.

Overlong Content:

It’s often seen by experts that the marketers who put so much content on a mail, never get expected lead conversion.

To understand this deeply, let’s dive into the psychology of a human.

Suppose, you are given a 1000 words article to read and understand, would you even read it to the last full stop?

Most of the answers would be NO!

So, why are you giving lengthy content to your target audience?

Think about it.

Today, what each of us reads is short and crisp matter.

Provide the same in your email. 

In addition to this, you can describe using images but always remember 3 things ie. 

  • Short.
  • Relevant.
  • Authentic content only converts prospects. 

“One-size-fits-all” Approach

This approach is definitely an easy one but what’s the benefit of a short-cut if it isn’t helpful in lead conversion? 

Instead, Personalized content is the best approach for lead generation

A very simple example for creating personalized content is,

Address your subscriber with his name. It is just as simple as that.

Let’s understand the aftermath of this. According to human psychology, one loves to listen to his/her name so if you address saying “Dear Jasmine” it will automatically grab attention towards your mail. 

Unsegmented list

Congratulations to all the businesses for having a large list of prospects.

But if you are sending the same emails to everyone, do you think it’s worth it?

Absolutely not.

Email marketing has an important aspect of segmenting your mail list. 

Segmenting means to mark/categorize the prospects who have

  • Opened/ not opened
  • Reverted/ not reverted
  • Spammed or unspammed

So, when your list is categorized, it would be better to target them and their needs. 

Therefore, you will be able to create personalized content according to their category. This can eventually help in 50x conversion.

Unclear call to action(CTA)

Many businesses while focusing on the main content, ignore the end part ie. call to action which can be a blog, landing page, website, etc. if you don’t provide it then, you leave this your audience struck.

So, draft a clear call to action in your mind and propose the same. But be sure not to write too many CTAs otherwise it will confuse your reader. 

 If still, you aren’t getting enough leads from your email marketing, give us a chance to enhance your conversion rates through our Email Marketing services. 

For more info, visit Dynamisers Solutions.