Adam Audette, The Head of Global SEO at Merkle once quoted,

“ This is the era of less is more with SEO”. 

Well indeed, very well said. The main focus of the SEO(Search Engine Optimization) team should be on writing less content and molding those words in a way that can deliver the right and full information that the customer wants.

A customer would never like to read long stories, nor does he have time to read so. Therefore, he searches for those two-three words which he is actually interested in.

This introduces the importance of keywords. As a content builder, you should do some keyword research so you can determine what language users use most often while discussing the topic matter of your content. 

  • Thus, using the right keywords will help you draw the reader’s attention
  • Placing the keywords in the most prominent place is the main catch and one of the important aspects of content optimization.
  • Using the right keyword also helps google to place you on a better rank for the search engine.
  • While reading your content it is the main keyword which maintains the reader’s attention.
  • Rand Fishkin, the Wizard of Moz, inbound marketing and SEO Software Company, believes in the power of surveying
  • According to him, work on gathering the right information, survey your audience, set up some folks who are interested in your topic and ask them what they are curious about, what exactly do they desire. 
  • And trust me when you actually find those who are desperately interested in your content then you’ve found the real gold digger.

According to Rand Fishkin, he believes in the policy of never giving up. He says that you should never give up on your content. Even if you fail once, keep trying again and you’ll surely be successful.

One of the main reasons you should optimize your content is for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). 

  • SEO is one of the most powerful marketing strategies for businesses today as it helps you to attract 
  1. exponential traffic,
  2.  builds a website’s trust, 
  3. helps in converting your visitors, and 
  4. helps the business in making more revenue.

According to Alan Bleiweiss, (a forensic SEO consultant specializing in site audits) everything done for SEO needs to be held up against the QUART test

Quality, Uniqueness, Authority, Relevance, Trust.

These are the 5 aspects which a content writer should focus on. 

One of the major mistakes usually made by some content writers is that they keep fixating on some individuals key aspects of their content like 

  • keyword usage, 
  • crawl efficiency, 
  • content depth and 
  • many more because of which the main crux of the content gets lost leading to an imbalance which is often identified as “artificially forced” leaving them vulnerable to competitive efforts. 

Thus the real thing here is maintaining the right balance in your content.

Without strong content creation and optimization, Google won’t be able to rank you among the top result pages. Therefore, strong content is a key to some best SEO strategies like

  1. internet linking,
  2.  strong navigation, and 
  3. the addition of multimedia on your site. 

Believe me, when you are working for your content don’t write it as if you are writing it for some search engine, but instead 

  • relax, focus and
  •  make your content sound natural and useful, 

This will help your business get a better ranking on result pages.

So these were some expert advice on how you can optimize your content to make it strong enough to satisfy your readers. 

Remember to never give up on your content, the start may not be good but eventually, your business and website will grow and you’ll surely achieve success.